- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in ___ on line ___
- short_open_tags has been disabled in PHP configuration on the server.
- Short form of PHP open tag (<? ?>) is not allowed.
- PHP does not recognize code between short tag <? and ?>
- Avoid using short tag, replace short tag (<? and ?>) with full tag (<?php and ?>), and <?=… ?> with <?php echo …; ?>.
- For PHP v5.4.0 or newer
Edit php.ini
short_open_tag = Off
change it to:
short_open_tag = OnIf short_open_tag is enabled, you will not be able to use JSAPI tag (<?js=…?>) or XML tag (<?xml … ?>) inline.
You will be required to echo/print it with PHP, for example: <?php echo ‘<?xml version=”1.0″?>’; ?>.
More Info: