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October 20, 2008



  • How to display other HTML content above a swf?
  • DHTML menus appear underneath swf
  • HTML layer z-index not working on swf object

By default wmode=”window”, Active Content is rendered directly to the screen on top of web browser window, which means it appears on top of other HTML content.

Set the wmode parameter for swf object & embed tag to “opaque” or “transparent”.

  • In HTML,
    1. add to object tag:
      <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
    2. add to embed tag:

    So your html code will looked like:

    • <object ... >
          <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
          <embed ... wmode="opaque" ... >
  • From Flash,
    1. From menu, File > Publish Settings,
    2. click HTML tag,
    3. select “Opaque Windowless” for Window Mode.
    4. Publish
  • From Dreamweaver,
    1. Select the swf in the Design View.
    2. In the Properties panel, choose Parameters.
    3. Enter “wmode” (without quotes) for the Parameter.
    4. Enter “transparent” (without quotes) for the Value.
    5. Save the document.

Additional Information:

Flash content displays on top of all DHTML layers
How to make a Flash movie with a transparent background

Filed under: Flash Platform,HTML,Web — Tags: , , , — GG @ 1:48 am

May 7, 2007

ActiveX Controls


  • Security warning “Click to activate and use this control.”
  • Flash button need double click in MSIE
  • How to remove border/frame/rectangle around swf in MSIE?
  • How to automatic activate active control?
  • Rollover on swf in MSIE
  • ac_runactivecontent.js

An update to Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) 6 changes its way in handles some webpages that use ActiveX controls and Java applets like Adobe Reader, Apple QuickTime Player, Macromedia Flash Player, Microsoft Windows Media Player, Real Networks RealPlayer, Sun Java Virtual Machine, and more. After you install this update, you cannot interact with ActiveX controls loaded by the APPLET, EMBED, or OBJECT elements, until these controls are enabled. To enable an ActiveX control, manually click the control.


  1. By using JavaScript:
  2. By installing extension/updater

Additional Information:

Developer Center:
Active Content Developer Center
Active content FAQ

Installing the Flash Active Content Update extension

Microsoft Support:
Internet Explorer ActiveX update

Activating ActiveX Controls

Filed under: Flash Platform,JavaScript,Web — Tags: , , , — GG @ 6:28 pm

April 21, 2007

Cross-domain policy


  • Unable to load variables or XML data into a Flash movie from another domain/subdomain.
  • Unable to load swf or flv into Flash movie from another domain/subdomain.

For security reasons, data loading operations (load, loadMovie, loadVariables, & etc.) from a different domain is not permitted.

Create a cross-domain policy file (crossdomain.xml) and place on the site root of the server you wish to access with the movie.

Cross-domain policy files is a simple XML file that gives the Flash Player permission to access data from a given domain without displaying a security dialog, the file can be created in a simple text editor such as Notepad or SimpleText.

Additional Information:

Using policy files

External data not accessible outside a Macromedia Flash movie’s domain
Loading data across domains
Macromedia Flash movie fails to load data in Flash Player 7

Filed under: Flash Platform,Web — Tags: , , , — GG @ 3:34 pm

April 19, 2007

How to use subscript & superscript in dynamic and input text field


  • Unable to use subscript or superscript in dynamic and input text field.
  • Unable to display subscript or superscript for external loaded text.
  • Unable to use <sub> & <sup> tags in dynamic or input text field.
  • To create subscript or superscript text without Text Layout Framework (TLF).

<sub> & <sup> tags are not supported by Flash.

TechNote: Subscript and superscript fail in dynamic and input text fields
LiveDocs: Supported HTML tags


  1. Download & install GG Subscript & GG Superscript TrueType fonts. You will need to restart Flash software after installed fonts.
  2. Create a dynamic text field with Arial font embeded. Set the HTML property to true.
  3. Create a dynamic text field with GG Subscript font embeded.
  4. Create a dynamic text field with GG Superscript font embeded.
  5. Use HTML tag to set text to subscript or superscript like below:
    Adobe<font face="GG Superscript">TM</font>

    If you are using ActionScript to test the htmlText, use script like below:

    my_txt.text = "Adobe<font face="GG Superscript">TM</font>";


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)


Updated: (2008-09-21)
A new set of superscript & subscript fonts includes both sans & serif type, with more complete & improved glyphs, standard scale & shift, is now available to be downloaded (free) from here.

Updated: (2010-10-23)
Another set of fonts for displaying square root (SQRT), cube root, nth root, and other roots formula in dynamic and input text field is now available here.

For creating subscript & superscript text with Text Layout Framework in AS3 or Flex project, refer to here

Filed under: ActionScript,HTML — Tags: , , , , — GG @ 5:51 pm

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