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October 23, 2010

Roots in dynamic and input text field

This is a solution for using Square root (SQRT), cube root, nth root, and other roots formula in dynamic and input text field, extended from the article How to use subscript & superscript in dynamic and input text field.

  1. Download & install GG Root Sans N, GG Root Sans Radical, GG Root Sans Radicand fonts.
  2. Create a dynamic text field with Arial font embeded. Set the HTML property to true.
  3. Create a dynamic text field with GG Root Sans N font embeded.
  4. Create a dynamic text field with GG Root Sans Radical font embeded.
  5. Create a dynamic text field with GG Root Sans Radicand font embeded.
  6. Use HTML tag to set text to roots formula like below:
    my_txt.html = true;
    my_txt.htmlText = "GG Root Sans<br>";
    my_txt.htmlText += "<font face="GG Root Sans Radical"> </font><font face="GG Root Sans Radicand">2</font>";
    my_txt.htmlText += "<font face="GG Root Sans Radical">n</font><font face="GG Root Sans Radicand">x</font>";
    my_txt.htmlText += "<font face="GG Root Sans Radical">2</font><font face="GG Root Sans Radicand">3</font>";
    my_txt.htmlText += "g = <font face="GG Root Sans N">f(d+e</font><font face="GG Root Sans Radical">)</font><font face="GG Root Sans Radicand">(ax+by)(ax-by)</font>";


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)


Filed under: ActionScript,Flash Platform,HTML — Tags: , , , — GG @ 3:37 pm

No Comments »

  1. Hi
    I tried this with Register Trademark ® ®, but it fails if font is not available on machine. I tried embedding the font but no luck.

    Can you guide me this. I am using CS3.

    Thanks and Regards

    Comment by Deepak — December 12, 2010 @ 10:05 am

  2. Bad link:

    I think, it’s this link:

    Comment by Aleksey Gulev — May 3, 2012 @ 10:07 pm

  3. Thanks Aleksey 🙂

    Comment by G — May 3, 2012 @ 11:54 pm

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