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January 4, 2014

b2evolution to WordPress migration

I’ve been looking for b2evolution to WordPress importer for long time. What I can find on the web are only migration script for older version of b2evo/wp, hence I’ve decided to write one on my own, for importing data from b2evolution 4.0.5 to WordPress 3.7.1. I’ve tested the script with WordPress 3.8.0 too. I’m hereby sharing it to whoever needs it.


  1. Place this file at the same directory with your wp-config.php
  2. Access the URL at web browser, e.g.: http://localhost/b2wp.php
  3. Fill up the form with database connection detail, and submit.
  4. Select import options, and start import.


  1. Backup all your databases safely before proceed.
  2. Try it with a fresh installation of WordPress instead of production site.
  3. Use this script at your own risk 🙂


  • b2wp.php – Tested with b2evo 4.0.5 to wp 3.7.1/3.8.0
  • – provided by KP for b2evo 5.1.2 to wp 4.
* b2wp.php
* Title        : B2evolution to WordPress Importer
* Version      : 1.0.2
* Author URL   :
* Description  : Import Authors, Categories, Posts, Tags, and Comments, from
*               B2evolution database to WordPress database.

function slug($str) {
return strtolower(trim(preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]+/', '-', $str)));

$output = '';
$step = 1;
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-config.php' );
$target['db_host'] = DB_HOST;
$target['db_user'] = DB_USER;
$target['db_password'] = DB_PASSWORD;
$target['db_name'] = DB_NAME;
$wp_con = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
$target['status'] = (mysqli_connect_errno()) ? 'Error' : 'Connected';
$output .= ($target['status'] == 'Error') ? 'Error connecting WordPress database!<br />' : '';
$source['db_host'] = ($_POST['source_dbhost'] == '') ? 'localhost' : htmlentities($_POST['source_dbhost']);
$source['db_user'] = htmlentities($_POST['source_dbuser']);
$source['db_password'] = htmlentities($_POST['source_dbpassword']);
$source['db_name'] = htmlentities($_POST['source_dbname']);
if (!empty($_POST['source_dbname'])) {
$b2_con = new mysqli($source['db_host'], $source['db_user'], $source['db_password'], $source['db_name']);
$source['status'] = (mysqli_connect_errno()) ? 'Error' : 'Connected';
$output .= ($source['status'] == 'Error') ? 'Error connecting B2evolution database!<br />' : '';
} else {
$source['status'] = '';
$output .= 'Please fill up B2evolution database connection detail!<br />';
$target['table_prefix'] = (!empty($_POST['target_table_prefix'])) ? $wp_con->real_escape_string($_POST['target_table_prefix']) : 'wp_';
$source['table_prefix'] = (!empty($_POST['source_table_prefix'])) ? $wp_con->real_escape_string($_POST['source_table_prefix']) : 'evo_';
if ($source['status'] == 'Connected') {
$sql = " SHOW TABLES LIKE \"" . $source['table_prefix'] . "%\"";
$res = $b2_con->query($sql);
if ($res->num_rows <= 0) {
$source['status'] = 'Error';
$output .= "Invalid B2evo table prefix.<br />";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "blogs`.* FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "blogs`";
$res = $b2_con->query($sql);
$b2_blog_selected = ($_POST['b2_blog'] == '') ? 1 : $_POST['b2_blog'];
$b2_blog_select = '<select name="b2_blog">';
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
$b2_blog_selected_str = '';
if ($row['blog_ID'] == $b2_blog_selected) {
$b2_blog_selected_str = 'selected';
$b2_blog_selected_row = $row;
$b2_blog_select .= '<option value="' . $row['blog_ID'] . '" ' . ($b2_blog_selected_str) . ' >' . $row['blog_name'] . '</option>';
$b2_blog_select .= '</select>';
if ($target['status'] == 'Connected') {
$sql = " SHOW TABLES LIKE \"" . $target['table_prefix'] . "%\"";
$res = $wp_con->query($sql);
if ($res->num_rows <= 0) {
$target['status'] = 'Error';
$output .= "Invalid WordPress table prefix.<br />";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "users`.* FROM `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "users`";
$res = $wp_con->query($sql);
$b2_user_selected = ($_POST['b2_user'] == '') ? 0 : $_POST['b2_user'];
$b2_user_select = '<select name="b2_user">';
$b2_user_select .= '<option value="0">Import B2evo users</option>';
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
if ($row['ID'] == $b2_user_selected) {
$b2_user_selected_str = 'selected';
$b2_user_selected_row = $row;
} else {
$b2_user_selected_str = '';
$b2_user_select .= '<option value="' . $row['ID'] . '" ' . ($b2_user_selected_str) . ' >Assign posts to ' . $row['user_login'] . '</option>';
$b2_user_select .= '</select>';
if ($source['status'] == 'Connected' && $target['status'] == 'Connected') {
$step = 2;
if ($step >= 2) {
$b2_cat_selected = ($_POST['b2_cat'] == '') ? 0 : $_POST['b2_cat'];
$b2_cat_select = '<select name="b2_cat">';
$b2_cat_select .= '<option value="1" ' . ($b2_cat_selected == 1 ? 'selected' : '') . '>a: Uncategorized</option>';
$b2_cat_select .= '<option value="2" ' . ($b2_cat_selected == 2 ? 'selected' : '') . '>b: Create a new category</option>';
$b2_cat_select .= '<option value="3" ' . ($b2_cat_selected == 3 ? 'selected' : '') . '>c: Import B2evo categories</option>';
$b2_cat_select .= '<option value="4" ' . ($b2_cat_selected == 4 ? 'selected' : '') . '>b+c</option>';
$b2_cat_select .= '</select>';
$b2_checbox_tags = '<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="b2_tags" ' . (($_POST['b2_tags'] == 1) ? 'checked' : '') . ' />';
$b2_checbox_comments = '<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="b2_comments" ' . (($_POST['b2_comments'] == 1) ? 'checked' : '') . ' />';
if ($_POST['step'] == '3' && $target['status'] != 'Error' && $source['status'] != 'Error') {
$step = 3;
if ($step >= 3) {
if ($b2_cat_selected == 1) {
$root_id = 1;
$taxonomy[1] = 1;
} else if ($b2_cat_selected == 2 || $b2_cat_selected == 4) {
$row = $b2_blog_selected_row;
$data['blog_name'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['blog_name']);
$data['blog_urlname'] = slug($wp_con->real_escape_string($row['blog_urlname']));
$data['blog_description'] = empty($row['blog_description'])?$wp_con->real_escape_string($row['blog_tagline']):$wp_con->real_escape_string($row['blog_description']);
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "terms` (`name`,`slug`,`term_group`) VALUES ('" . $data['blog_name'] . "','" . $data['blog_urlname'] . "','0');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$root_id = $wp_con->insert_id;
$newcat[0] = $root_id;
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`,`description`,`parent`,`count`) VALUES ('" . $newcat[0] . "','category','" . $data['blog_description'] . "',0,0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$id = $wp_con->insert_id;
$taxonomy[$newcat[0]] = $id;
$output .= "1 new category created!<br />";
} else {
$root_id = 0;
$taxonomy[0] = 1;
if ($b2_cat_selected == 3 || $b2_cat_selected == 4) {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories`.* FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories` WHERE `cat_blog_ID` = " . $wp_con->real_escape_string($b2_blog_selected);
$res = $b2_con->query($sql);
$count = 0;
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "terms` (`name`,`slug`,`term_group`) VALUES ('" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['cat_name']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['cat_urlname']) . "','0');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$id = $wp_con->insert_id;
$newcat[$row['cat_ID']] = $id;
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories`.* FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories` WHERE `cat_blog_ID` = " . $wp_con->real_escape_string($b2_blog_selected);
$res = $b2_con->query($sql);
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
$data['parent_id'] = (isset($newcat[$row['cat_parent_ID']]) ? $newcat[$row['cat_parent_ID']] : $root_id);
$data['description'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['cat_description']);
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`,`description`,`parent`,`count`) VALUES ('" . $newcat[$row['cat_ID']] . "','category','" . $data['description'] . "','" . $data['parent_id'] . "',0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$id = $wp_con->insert_id;
$taxonomy[$newcat[$row['cat_ID']]] = $id;
$output .= $count . " categories imported!<br />";
if ($b2_cat_selected != 1) {
$sql = "UPDATE `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "options` SET `option_value`='' WHERE `option_name`='category_children';";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
if ($wp_user_selected == 0) {
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users`.* FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users` INNER JOIN `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "blogusers` ON `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users`.`user_ID` = `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "blogusers`.`bloguser_user_ID` WHERE `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "blogusers`.`bloguser_blog_ID` = " . $b2_con->real_escape_string($b2_blog_selected) . " AND `user_login`<>'admin'";
$res = $b2_con->query($sql);
$count = 0;
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
$sql = " SELECT * FROM `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "users` WHERE `user_login` = '" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_login']) . "';";
$pres = $wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
if ($prow = $pres->fetch_array()) {
$id = $prow['ID'];
} else {
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "users` (`user_login`,`user_pass`,`user_nicename`,`user_email`,`user_url`,`user_registered`,`user_status`,`display_name`) VALUES ('" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_login']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_pass']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_login']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_email']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_url']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['dateYMDhour']) . "','0','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_login']) . "');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$id = $wp_con->insert_id;
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "usermeta` (`user_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES ('" . $id . "', 'first_name', '" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_firstname']) . "');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "usermeta` (`user_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES ('" . $id . "', 'last_name', '" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_lastname']) . "');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$sql = " INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "usermeta` (`user_id`,`meta_key`,`meta_value`) VALUES ('" . $id . "', 'nickname', '" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($row['user_nickname']) . "');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $sql)));
$newuser[$row['user_ID']] = $id;
if ($count > 0) {
$output .= $count . " users imported!<br />";
} else {
$newuser[0] = $wp_user_selected;
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "items__item`.* FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "items__item` INNER JOIN `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories` ON `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "items__item`.`post_main_cat_ID` = `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories`.`cat_ID` WHERE `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "categories`.`cat_blog_ID` = " . $b2_blog_selected;
$res = $b2_con->query($sql);
$pcount = 0;
$tcount = 0;
$ccount = 0;
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
if ($b2_user_selected == 0) {
$data['user'] = isset($newuser[$row['post_creator_user_ID']]) ? $newuser[$row['post_creator_user_ID']] : 1;
} else {
$data['user'] = $b2_user_selected;
$data['category'] = isset($newcat[$row['post_main_cat_ID']]) ? $newcat[$row['post_main_cat_ID']] : $root_id;
switch ($row['post_status']) {
case 'published':
case 'deprecated':
$data['status'] = 'publish';
case 'protected':
case 'private':
$data['status'] = 'private';
case 'redirected':
$row['post_content'] = "<a href='".htmlentities($row['post_url'])."'>".htmlentities($row['post_url'])."</a>";
$data['status'] = 'draft';
$data['date'] = $row['post_datecreated'];
$data['date_gmt'] = gmdate("Y-m-d G:i:s ", strtotime($data['date']));
$data['modified'] = $row['post_datemodified'];
$data['modified_gmt'] = gmdate("Y-m-d G:i:s ", strtotime($data['modified']));
$psql = "SELECT COUNT(1) AS comment_count FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "comments` WHERE `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "comments`.`comment_post_ID` = " . $row['post_ID'];
$pres = $b2_con->query($psql);
$prow = $pres->fetch_array();
$data['comment_count'] = $prow['comment_count'];
$data['post_content'] = $row['post_content'];
$data['post_excerpt'] = $row['post_excerpt'];
$data['title'] = $row['post_title'];
$psql = "INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "posts` (`post_author`,`post_content`,`post_title`,`post_excerpt`,`post_status`,`post_date`,`post_date_gmt`,`post_modified`,`post_modified_gmt`,`comment_count`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_content_filtered`) VALUES ('" . $data['user'] . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($data['post_content']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($data['title']) . "','" . $wp_con->real_escape_string($data['post_excerpt']) . "','" . $data['status'] . "','" . $data['date'] . "','" . $data['date_gmt'] . "','" . $data['modified'] . "','" . $data['modified_gmt'] . "','" . $data['comment_count'] . "', '', '', '');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $psql)));
$id = $wp_con->insert_id;
$eid = $row['post_ID'];
$psql = "INSERT INTO `wp_term_relationships` (`object_id`,`term_taxonomy_id`,`term_order`) VALUES (" . $id . "," . $taxonomy[$data['category']] . ",0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $psql)));
$psql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "postcats` WHERE `postcat_post_ID` = " . $row['post_ID'];
$pres = $b2_con->query($psql);
while ($prow = $pres->fetch_array()) {
$psql = "INSERT INTO `wp_term_relationships` (`object_id`,`term_taxonomy_id`,`term_order`) VALUES (" . $id . "," . $taxonomy[$newcat[$prow['postcat_cat_ID']]] . ",0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $psql)));
if ($_POST['b2_tags'] == 1) {
$psql = "SELECT `itag_itm_ID`, LOWER(cast(`" . $source['table_prefix'] . "items__tag`.`tag_name` as char)) AS tag_name FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "items__tag` INNER JOIN `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "items__itemtag` ON `itag_tag_ID` = `tag_ID` WHERE `itag_itm_ID` = " . $row['post_ID'];
$pres = $b2_con->query($psql);
while ($prow = $pres->fetch_array()) {
$data['tag_name'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['tag_name']);
$data['tag_slug'] = slug($data['tag_name']);
$tsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "terms` WHERE `slug` = '" . $data['tag_slug'] . "';";
$tres = $wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $tsql)));
if ($trow = $tres->fetch_array()) {
$tid = $trow['term_id'];
} else {
$tsql = "INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "terms` (`name`,`slug`,`term_group`) VALUES ('" . $data['tag_name'] . "','" . $data['tag_slug'] . "',0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $tsql)));
$tid = $wp_con->insert_id;
$tsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "term_taxonomy` WHERE `term_id` = '" . $tid . "' AND `taxonomy`='post_tag';";
$tres = $wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $tsql)));
if ($trow = $tres->fetch_array()) {
$ttid = $trow['term_taxonomy_id'];
} else {
$tsql = "INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`,`description`,`parent`,`count`) VALUES (" . $tid . ",'post_tag','',0,0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $tsql)));
$ttid = $wp_con->insert_id;
$tsql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "term_relationships` WHERE `object_id` = '" . $id . "' AND `term_taxonomy_id`='" . $ttid . "';";
$tres = $wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $tsql)));
if ($trow = $tres->fetch_array()) {

} else {
$tsql = "INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "term_relationships` (`object_id`,`term_taxonomy_id`,`term_order`) VALUES (" . $id . "," . $ttid . ",0);";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $tsql)));
if ($_POST['b2_comments'] == 1) {
$psql = "SELECT `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "comments`.* , `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users`.`user_nickname`, `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users`.`user_url`, `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users`.`user_email` FROM `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "comments` LEFT JOIN `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users` ON `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "comments`.`comment_author_ID` = `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "users`.`user_ID` WHERE `" . $source['table_prefix'] . "comments`.`comment_post_ID`=" . $eid;
$pres = $b2_con->query($psql);
while ($prow = $pres->fetch_array()) {
if ($prow['comment_author_ID'] != NULL) {
$data['author'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['user_nickname']);
$data['url'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['user_url']);
$data['email'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['user_email']);
} else {
$data['author'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_author']);
$data['url'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_author_url']);
$data['email'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_author_email']);
$data['time'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_date']);
$data['gm_time'] = gmdate("Y-m-d G:i:s ", strtotime($data['time']));
$data['comment_type'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_type']);
switch ($data['comment_type']) {
case 'trackback':
case 'pingback':
case 'linkback':
$data['comment_type'] = 'pingback';
case 'comment':
$data['comment_type'] = '';
$data['comment_status'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_status']);
switch ($data['comment_status']) {
case 'published':
case 'deprecated':
$data['comment_status'] = '1';
case 'protected':
case 'private':
$data['comment_status'] = 'private';
case 'draft':
case 'redirected':
$data['comment_status'] = '0';
$data['comment_author_IP'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_author_IP']);
$data['comment_content'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_content']);
$data['comment_karma'] = $wp_con->real_escape_string($prow['comment_karma']);
$csql = "INSERT INTO `" . $target['table_prefix'] . "comments` (`comment_post_ID`,`comment_author`,`comment_author_email`,`comment_author_url`,`comment_author_IP`,`comment_date`,`comment_date_gmt`,`comment_content`,`comment_karma`, `comment_approved`, `comment_type`) VALUES ('" . $id . "','" . $data['author'] . "','" . $data['email'] . "','" . $data['url'] . "','" . $data['comment_author_IP'] . "','" . $data['time'] . "','" . $data['gm_time'] . "','" . $data['comment_content'] . "','" . $data['comment_karma'] . "','" . $data['comment_status'] . "','" . $data['comment_type'] . "');";
$wp_con->query(trim(str_replace("\n", "", $csql)));
$output .= $pcount . " posts imported!<br />";
if ($_POST['b2_tags'] == 1) {
$output .= $tcount . " tags imported!<br />";
if ($_POST['b2_comments'] == 1) {
$output .= $ccount . " comments imported!<br />";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>b2wp - b2evolution to wordpress importer</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
body { font: 10pt sans-serif; }
table { width: 480px; border: #ccc 1px solid; margin:10px auto; }
th, td { width: 160px; }
caption { font: bold 16pt sans-serif; }

<form action="" method="post">
<td><input name="source_dbhost" type="text" <?php if ($step >= 2) echo 'readonly'; ?> value="<?php echo $source['db_host']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $target['db_host']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input name="source_dbuser" type="text" <?php if ($step >= 2) echo 'readonly'; ?> value="<?php echo $source['db_user']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $target['db_user']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input name="source_dbpassword" type="password" <?php if ($step >= 2) echo 'readonly'; ?> value="<?php echo $source['db_password']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="password" disabled value="<?php echo $target['db_password']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input name="source_dbname" type="text" <?php if ($step >= 2) echo 'readonly'; ?> value="<?php echo $source['db_name']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $target['db_name']; ?>" /></td>
<td>Table Prefix</td>
<td><input type="text" name="source_table_prefix" <?php if ($step >= 2) echo 'readonly'; ?> value="<?php echo $source['table_prefix']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="target_table_prefix" <?php if ($step >= 2) echo 'readonly'; ?> value="<?php echo $target['table_prefix']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $source['status']; ?>" /></td>
<td><input type="text" disabled value="<?php echo $target['status']; ?>" /></td>
<?php if ($step == 1) { ?>
<td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Connect" /></td>
<?php } else if ($step >= 2) { ?>
<td colspan="3"><input type="hidden" name="step" value="3"/><hr /></td>
<td>B2evo Blog</td>
<td colspan="2">
<?php echo $b2_blog_select; ?>
<td valign="top">Import Options</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="checkbox" checked disabled> <label for="b2_posts">Posts</label><br />
<input type="checkbox" checked disabled> <label for="b2_user">Authors</label> <?php echo $b2_user_select; ?><br />
<input type="checkbox" checked disabled> <label for="b2_cat">Categories</label> <?php echo $b2_cat_select; ?><br />
<?php echo $b2_checbox_tags; ?> <label for="b2_tags">Tags</label><br />
<?php echo $b2_checbox_comments; ?> <label for="b2_comments">Comments</label><br />
<td colspan="2">
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Import" />
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="location.href='b2wp.php';" />
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!empty($output)) { ?>
<td colspan="3"><hr /><?php echo $output; ?></td>
<?php } ?>

This is NOT a WordPress importer plugin, this is simply a PHP script to extract content (Authors, Categories, Posts, Tags, and Comments) from a b2evolution database and insert into WordPress database. This migration script does NOT catered importing of uploaded media files. Feel free to modify it as per your needs. You might want to try these WordPress plugins Add From Server or Import External Images for migrating your uploaded files.

Special thanks
Thanks to RealNitro’s b2evo2wp.php script, it was my primary source of reference for understanding b2evo/wp database schema.
Thanks to KP for sharing b2evolution 5.1.2 to WorPress 4 migration script.

Filed under: MySQL,PHP,Web — Tags: , , , , — GG @ 6:53 am


  1. Thank you very much!!

    The script was great, it really help converting my old b2evo database to wp.
    After it was done, I just export the db, run text editor replacing all broken links to a new one. Put the media files to a new place, and then put it together on wordpress without losing anything. (although I need to change some of permalinks manually to reflect my old site).

    Comment by Rahady — April 6, 2014 @ 2:00 pm

  2. Hallo,

    I tested the script from b2evolution 5.1.2 to WordPress 4. I had to adapt the script. If you want I can send you the script

    Comment by KP — November 24, 2014 @ 5:57 pm

  3. Thank you KP for sharing. I’m glad to see more people benefit from it.

    Comment by GG — November 29, 2014 @ 8:23 pm

  4. This script is exactly what I need– except I can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve uploaded the .php file in the same director and my WP config file, but when I try and access it in a web browser, nothing loads. I’ve tried changing permissions and that doesn’t seem to help. Is there something I’m missing?


    Comment by Sean — December 9, 2014 @ 2:55 am

  5. Hi Sean,
    Thank you for your feedback.

    I understand that you have uploaded the b2wp.php in the same directory of your wp-config.php and not able to access it at web browser. There are several factors that may result in this issue.

    1) Which version of PHP do you have?
    Version 5.5 above recommended.

    2) Which version of b2wp.php, b2evo and wordpress do you have?
    Origin b2wp.php tested on b2evo 4.0.5 to wp 3.7.1 / 3.8.0.
    There is a modified version for b2evo 5.1.2 to wp 4 provided by KP.
    Make sure you use the right version.

    3) What is the http status code returned when you access wp-config.php at browser?
    e.g. 403, 404 or 500.

    4) Any related error log produced at your web server?

    I hope these would give you some clue.
    If you still have any difficulty in using b2wp please feel free to drop me a line, I’ll be glad to help.

    Comment by GG — December 12, 2014 @ 3:08 am

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